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welcome !

I've created this blog to share my opinions with you, get you thinking, and hopefully open a line of dialogue regarding some of the tough topics we often try to avoid at the dinner table, but should be discussed nonetheless. While I will never claim to know everything, I have dedicated a lot of my time to trying my hardest to educate myself about the inner political and societal workings of the United States and of the greater world, and in doing so I have developed a lot of personal ideas and opinions about how politics and people work. I will dispense these ideas and opinions here.

I've decided to call this blog "& The Pursuit of Happiness" based on the third of our unalienable rights outlined in the United States Declaration of Independence. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. In sharing my thoughts with you all, I hope to explore the Pursuit of Happiness, what exactly that means, and how that is being either protected or threatened by various political and societal happenings in contemporary America.

As many of you know, the depth of my mass of political thoughts & opinions is enormous, and not everyone wants to listen to everything I have to say, but I firmly believe that this should never stop me from saying it. Silence is the language of corruption, so I sincerely promise you that I will never shut up, but I will take some of my more radical and lengthier opinions over here so my primary social media accounts remain a bit more politically vanilla.

I love a good, respectful, factual debate so please feel free to reach out to me with your thoughts on any of my pieces! I absolutely love to hear both similar and different opinions and despite my reputation and my loud persona, I am quite good at respectful debate (if I do say so myself). But on the other hand, if you're just here to read quietly, enjoy! I'm so happy you're here.

Lastly, my voice on here will be largely un-censored, as the point of this is to document and share my unapologetic opinions. This will most definitely offend some, if not all of you, so feel free to exit the page or reach out to me if you're upset. Truly, I mean no harm. I am here to educate and to learn. Please help me to do so!

And as always, keep fighting the good fight.

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