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hi there !

Thank you for checking out my page! My name is Sophie Shapiro and I'm a rising junior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Commonwealth Honors College pursuing a dual degree in Political Science and Natural Resource Conservation with a minor in Anthropology. I hope to spend my future working in politics; focusing on environmental, healthcare, and human rights policy. Ultimately my goal is to run for state or federal office, but we shall see where life takes me!


Before you dive in​to the thoughts I've stored here, it might be helpful to know a bit more about me, so you know where I'm coming from when I talk about some of my opinions. After all, none of us have the same experiences, and our experiences shape our beings. Our thoughts, ideas, and world views all stem from what we have seen, heard, and felt. So how similar or different our experiences are will likely reflect in how similar or different our opinions are. But who knows? We might just surprise each other.

My name is Sophie Shapiro. I am nearly twenty years old. I was born in Leominster, Massachusetts. Grew up in Lunenburg, Massachusetts. And currently go to school in Amherst, Massachusetts. If you can't already tell, I have spent my life in a bubble of blissful privilege, largely surrounded by people who did not have an issue with my lifestyle and largely surrounded by people who look just like me.

However, I am not a cookie cutter white girl. I will admit that I have it good. Like, really good. But I have my own struggles that have shaped my world view, like I mentioned before. Some things you might not know about me just from looking at my photo, or from knowing me only from the ages of birth to high school graduation include: I am twenty-five percent Ashkenazi Jew; I have two autoimmune diseases, another chronic illness, and two diagnosed mental illnesses; I am bisexual (no, it is not a phase.); I am agnostic; and I want more than anything to make the world a more peaceful, loving, and accepting place for myself and each and every one of my fellow humans. And I'm hoping that this blog is a good way for me to start!

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